Jim and I had a date night and decided to try out a local Sushi place. Jim loves sushi, but I've never tried it until now. Behind us is a conveyor belt that the cooks place sushi and desserts on. All you have to do is take off what you want then stack up your plates. After you've finished eating, the waiter comes by, totals up the amount of plates you have, and gives you your check. We ate all sorts of things, and I have to say, I didn't try anything I didn't like. It was really good:) I did cheat a few times and picked up some plates of fried shrimp rolls which obviously aren't raw, but I also ate several that were raw. It was amazing to me how full I felt after only eating about 5 plates. We had a total of 10 plates so our bill came out to be 1050 Yen which is only about 11 bucks. What can I say, I"m a cheap date.
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